- Your Character Name
- Your real Name (optional)
Emil Lindsten
- Your Age / Country (optional)
17 Sweden
- What is your Vocation and Current level
knight 64
- How did you start playing Tibia
a friend show me it
- How long you have played Tibia
sings version 7.6 with some brakes.
- List the guilds you have been in previously and tell us, why you left them.
with this char I play at now none.
- Is any Sainted Seraph your friend? If so, let us know, who it is.
Andreas saaf and loella and Cyromer Arthain is my rl m8s
- Tell us about your strengths and abilities, what will make you a good Sainted Seraph and what can you contribute to the guild?
always stand up for my friends and guild don't mather what.
- What are the best things you are capable of ingame?
good in pvp and can run out ppl esay.
- What is your weakest points when it comes to playing?
Don't have time to play very much but some.
- What do you think will the sainted Seraphs be for you, why do you want to join?
have fune make friends and maby help.
- Have you come across trouble in Tibia, anyone who is your enemy? Tell us all the background.
no enemy or trubbel.
- Have you read and understood the guild Codex and Beliefs?
- Do you agree to follow the path of a Sainted Seraph as it is described there?
Yes, and like "The Sainted Seraphs are a peaceful guild" very much don't wana fight.
- If you want to, you can create a roleplaying story, but that is not a must and it will not change our minds if you do not like to write one.
Although we admit, that we do love to read them!
sux on wirite stores so I think I skit that.